Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home Not-So-Sweet Home

I can hear my three kids in the other room fighting over the wii. There is probably nothing that I dislike more than the sound of them arguing (except maybe the sound of the video games). It is a particularly harsh sound right now because we just got back from a beautiful day in the country visiting family. My husband's uncle and aunt live on a hobby farm and from their lovely little white house you can see nothing but grass-covered hills and an old red barn that has seen better days, but fits perfectly into the picturesque view. I felt so wonderfully at peace watching my kids running through the fields and rolling down the hills with their cousins. I was relaxed in the fact that I didn't have to watch too closely because there was really nothing of danger around and I especially loved that they were happily entertaining themselves with really nothing but each other and the beauty around them.

But now we're home. I hadn't finished unpacking the car and the video games were already on and the bickering had begun. So now I'm sitting here wondering why. What is it about our home that seems to bring out the worst in them? Are they simply exhausted from a big day? Did they use up all their good behavior around the relatives? Is it the video games that makes them instant animals? Are they just being kids? I am trying to get to the heart of it. I think a peaceful home is the foundation of a lovely life, so it is probably the best place to start.

For now, I'm going to try to get them away from the wii and out into the garden. Maybe they will listen to mother nature better than they listen to me. It sure seemed to work up at the farm.

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