Teeth brushing aside, the first month of One Small Change was very eye opening for me. Through reading the posts of other bloggers I realized just how much room for improvement my family still has. It has also made be sadly aware of how many others seem to not be concerned at all.
One of the areas where I am most bothered is at the office. The wasted paper and use of disposables is beyond the point of crazy. It seems to be the way of downtown and it is sickening.
I've been trying to do my part long before One Small Change by always using glass coffee mugs, my water bottle and a glass plate for my food and drink. But I somehow was blind to the fact that I was still using plastic utencils.
A little rough math revealed that I have used about 3,000 plastic forks in my career. Yikes!!
So, there's my change for February. I brought in my set of silverware which I will use going forward.
This will be simple when I bring my food from home, which I am trying to do more often. The harder part will be remembering to tell the restaurants that I don't need a fork when I get take-out. I think I'll have to keep it out on my desk for a while so I think of it before I head out to grab lunch.
I will keep you posted on change number two.
What will your change be this month? I'd love to hear...
My kids are ALWAYS on my case about forgetting to tell take out places that we don't need the plastic ware. And then they want me to save it at home in case we ever need it. It's such a simple thing but I don't do a good job of remembering...funny how it's just a part of how they think.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to for your One Small Change, Jen, and also to find your blog! I love your outlook and will definitely stay tuned in. My husband did some similar math to yours about his coffee stir sticks that he tosses every day...when there are washable spoons in the drawer of his kitchen at work not 2 feet away. And a dishwasher. That he doesn't even have to unload. <> We are loving this One Small Change experience, for making us look at the small <> things like stir sticks, but also for the bigger picture we can see because of it.
ReplyDelete(Those < > statement were read as HTML, but they included the letters D.U.H. in each set of brackets. Oops!)