Unfortunately the Arthritis in her fingers has forced her to stop stitching over the past couple years. Her basket still sits by her chair, but it is rarely touched.
Yesterday when we were getting ready to visit my grandma on Mother's Day, I saw my six-year-old daughter packing a bag of embroidery floss to bring along. I asked what it was for and she said she wanted great grandma to teach her.
What a brilliant idea! Why had I never thought of that?
At my grandma's my daughter drew her own pattern on the cloth and they talked through the steps. My mom and my husband helped her get started, making it a special moment for all.
My daughter carefully worked on her stitching through the afternoon while we enjoyed the sunshine in my grandma’s garden. Just before it was time to head home I was presented with the completed gift.
Their multi-generational bonding, the sharing of my grandma’s craft, and my daughter’s diligent handiwork came together to create one simple, yet magnificent word: LOVE.