Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sidewalk Chalk
At our house sidewalk chalk is the first rite of spring.
And I know this is just a few brief weeks away...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
For My Mental Health
I hate politics. Not because I don't care, but because if I allow myself to engage too much I could spend my life in constant heated debate, which just really wouldn't be fun at all.
But I'm having a hard time sitting back and observing this "health care war." I am probably what they would call a bleeding-heart Democrat. And I don't agree with all of the provisions in the bill that was just signed to law. But both points aside, I truly believe this is positive progress for our country and I am appalled by some of the idiocy this has brought public.
Yesterday I had to practically sit on my hands to prevent responses to some of the posts in my facebook feed. Just so I can let it go, I'm going to post here a few of the responses I wanted to write. Hopefully then I can relax. Although I don't think it will help me feel less sad. The greed and hatred in this world make me scared for the future.
FB: Wait, why do I have a sinking feeling we aren't an "average/typical" family?? And, why do I have a feeling we have the "cadillac" plan (and trust me - it SO is not!)
I feel very sorry for you if you do not realize how above average your life is. You live in a gorgeous home in a wealthy suburb and send your children to an exclusive private school. You are privileged to go on multiple vacations every year. You have two nice cars and every electronic gadget known to man. And, much more importantly than any of that, you are healthy! I know you gave a bag of food to the poor at Thanksgiving because you told us all about it on facebook, but maybe its time to really look past the golf course in front of your house - there's a big bad world of true suffering out there that fortunate people like you could really help. But, since this is all about you, let me point out that although this legislation may not help you directly, in the long run the collective benefit to society could lead to a more stable economy, which in the end could actually mean even more money for you. I hope that helps you feel better.
FB: [Name] thinks it is ironic that today, in history, the British Government passed the Stamp Act, which was the final straw to send the Colonies towards the Revolution. As I sit in the city where everyone signed the Declaration of Independence, I think the Founders wouldn't recognize our country today.
While you are on your business trip in New York I suggest you swing by the Statue of Liberty and read the words engraved at her base: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
FB: I love this quote: "So we just passed a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he didn't understand it, passed by a Congress that exempts themselves from it, signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and..... financed by a country that's broke?"
I'm sorry, but I really have to unfriend you. If you love that quote than I'm guessing we just don't have anything in common.
Sorry people, I just had to let it out.
But I'm having a hard time sitting back and observing this "health care war." I am probably what they would call a bleeding-heart Democrat. And I don't agree with all of the provisions in the bill that was just signed to law. But both points aside, I truly believe this is positive progress for our country and I am appalled by some of the idiocy this has brought public.
Yesterday I had to practically sit on my hands to prevent responses to some of the posts in my facebook feed. Just so I can let it go, I'm going to post here a few of the responses I wanted to write. Hopefully then I can relax. Although I don't think it will help me feel less sad. The greed and hatred in this world make me scared for the future.
FB: Wait, why do I have a sinking feeling we aren't an "average/typical" family?? And, why do I have a feeling we have the "cadillac" plan (and trust me - it SO is not!)
I feel very sorry for you if you do not realize how above average your life is. You live in a gorgeous home in a wealthy suburb and send your children to an exclusive private school. You are privileged to go on multiple vacations every year. You have two nice cars and every electronic gadget known to man. And, much more importantly than any of that, you are healthy! I know you gave a bag of food to the poor at Thanksgiving because you told us all about it on facebook, but maybe its time to really look past the golf course in front of your house - there's a big bad world of true suffering out there that fortunate people like you could really help. But, since this is all about you, let me point out that although this legislation may not help you directly, in the long run the collective benefit to society could lead to a more stable economy, which in the end could actually mean even more money for you. I hope that helps you feel better.
FB: [Name] thinks it is ironic that today, in history, the British Government passed the Stamp Act, which was the final straw to send the Colonies towards the Revolution. As I sit in the city where everyone signed the Declaration of Independence, I think the Founders wouldn't recognize our country today.
While you are on your business trip in New York I suggest you swing by the Statue of Liberty and read the words engraved at her base: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
FB: I love this quote: "So we just passed a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he didn't understand it, passed by a Congress that exempts themselves from it, signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and..... financed by a country that's broke?"
I'm sorry, but I really have to unfriend you. If you love that quote than I'm guessing we just don't have anything in common.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Roller Coaster
We have been on quite the roller coaster this past year. Our stomachs were filled with butterflies on the long, slow climb; then they tanked as we dropped in what felt like a free fall. Now, we are screaming with glee extending our arms to the sky!
Just one week after hearing the joyous news that my tumor was benign, my husband accepted a job today ending eight months of unemployment. YEEEEAAHHH!!!
I have always been the type of person who feels emotion very deeply. I'm sure some call it dramatic. I prefer passionate. Either way, this ride has taken me to every end of the spectrum. I am ready to get off and just chill for a while.
By the way, I do love roller coasters. The best ever is the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios in Disney World. It's worth a visit...
Just one week after hearing the joyous news that my tumor was benign, my husband accepted a job today ending eight months of unemployment. YEEEEAAHHH!!!
I have always been the type of person who feels emotion very deeply. I'm sure some call it dramatic. I prefer passionate. Either way, this ride has taken me to every end of the spectrum. I am ready to get off and just chill for a while.
By the way, I do love roller coasters. The best ever is the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios in Disney World. It's worth a visit...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
On The Gift Of Motherhood
As I lay in bed recovering from my recent surgery, I've had more than my share of time to ponder life. As always, my children have positioned themselves in the front of my mind. This whole situation has really made me think about how precious life is and how blessed I am to have these little people in my care.
My eldest daughter turned eight last week, which is just unbelievable to me. I thought by the time I had a child this age I would have figured out the whole motherhood thing. Not so. Sometimes I feel like I get so caught up in day-to-day life that I don't even notice that time is passing by until something stops us in our tracks.
Watching my daughter become her own person is a truly surreal experience. I can't keep up with how quickly she is learning and growing each day. Just before her birthday we found out that she is invited to do a reading in church at her first communion service - in front of a congregation of hundreds. What an amazing experience for my shy little girl. My little girl! I just can't believe it. I am trying not to make her nervous - I am so nervous for her!
She is such a part of me that sometimes I struggle to separate her experiences from my own. I guess I just need to accept that feeling, because I'm pretty sure it never ends. I saw it in my mom's eyes when she sat next to my hospital bed this week. At 35, I'm still her little girl.
All of these feelings about watching my kids become, well, themselves, are beautifully captured in one of my favorite songs. These lyrics never fail to touch me:
well your children will not be your children
they are the daughters, the sons of a beginning
they'll come through your womb but not be coming from you
they will be with you, but they do not belong to you
you can give them your love but not your thoughts
cause they'll arrive with their own hearts
they're the coming of angels this blessed season
and then they'll sing oh yea god rests in reason
My eldest daughter turned eight last week, which is just unbelievable to me. I thought by the time I had a child this age I would have figured out the whole motherhood thing. Not so. Sometimes I feel like I get so caught up in day-to-day life that I don't even notice that time is passing by until something stops us in our tracks.
Watching my daughter become her own person is a truly surreal experience. I can't keep up with how quickly she is learning and growing each day. Just before her birthday we found out that she is invited to do a reading in church at her first communion service - in front of a congregation of hundreds. What an amazing experience for my shy little girl. My little girl! I just can't believe it. I am trying not to make her nervous - I am so nervous for her!
She is such a part of me that sometimes I struggle to separate her experiences from my own. I guess I just need to accept that feeling, because I'm pretty sure it never ends. I saw it in my mom's eyes when she sat next to my hospital bed this week. At 35, I'm still her little girl.
All of these feelings about watching my kids become, well, themselves, are beautifully captured in one of my favorite songs. These lyrics never fail to touch me:
well your children will not be your children
they are the daughters, the sons of a beginning
they'll come through your womb but not be coming from you
they will be with you, but they do not belong to you
you can give them your love but not your thoughts
cause they'll arrive with their own hearts
they're the coming of angels this blessed season
and then they'll sing oh yea god rests in reason
Hmmm... I have another full week in bed ahead of me. I'll either be a lot more clear or more crazy by next Sunday! At least I know that this one week will go slowly and will be filled with lots of hugs. What a gift!
I'm closing with a picture of three-generations of girls taken a couple years ago at my mom's 60th birthday party. Seems fitting with my thoughts tonight. Again, all I can say is what a gift!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
One Small Change: Plants

Although this change may sound more like a plan to spiff up my house, there are plenty of other benefits. Most importantly, plants help clean the air we breathe by absorbing toxins and providing oxygen - so important with all the pollutants in our environment (duh). Plants have also been proven to reduce stress, which is exactly what I need right now.
Plus, I really just miss the energy of having plants around. I used to have a home filled with plants and I slowly let them go when my kids were babies because I was worried about them eating them and such. Now I feel like I robbed my poor kids by removing the plants!
While I create my botanical household, I will also continue with my changes from January and February - conserving water and reducing disposables. It has been pleasing to see how quickly these changes have become habit, which motivates me to continue making positive changes long after the "official" One Small Change movement has closed.
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