Although this change may sound more like a plan to spiff up my house, there are plenty of other benefits. Most importantly, plants help clean the air we breathe by absorbing toxins and providing oxygen - so important with all the pollutants in our environment (duh). Plants have also been proven to reduce stress, which is exactly what I need right now.
Plus, I really just miss the energy of having plants around. I used to have a home filled with plants and I slowly let them go when my kids were babies because I was worried about them eating them and such. Now I feel like I robbed my poor kids by removing the plants!
While I create my botanical household, I will also continue with my changes from January and February - conserving water and reducing disposables. It has been pleasing to see how quickly these changes have become habit, which motivates me to continue making positive changes long after the "official" One Small Change movement has closed.
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