Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Roller Coaster

We have been on quite the roller coaster this past year. Our stomachs were filled with butterflies on the long, slow climb; then they tanked as we dropped in what felt like a free fall. Now, we are screaming with glee extending our arms to the sky!

Just one week after hearing the joyous news that my tumor was benign, my husband accepted a job today ending eight months of unemployment. YEEEEAAHHH!!!

I have always been the type of person who feels emotion very deeply. I'm sure some call it dramatic. I prefer passionate. Either way, this ride has taken me to every end of the spectrum. I am ready to get off and just chill for a while.

By the way, I do love roller coasters. The best ever is the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios in Disney World. It's worth a visit...


  1. Congratulations!!! Both pieces of news are awesome. You must be so relieved!

  2. I was so happy to hear of all your good news. It's about time things started falling into place for you guys.

  3. Just catching up on some of my favorite blogs and am so thrilled to see this. What a relief!

    P.S. Have you been on the coasters at Universal Islands of Adventure in Orlando? They rock!! :)
