The curse of online shopping is most definitely the resulting fire hose of email sales promotions. At this moment, Toys R Us is particularly driving me crazy. I’m sorry; I’m just not interested in your deal of the day AGAIN!
I’m simply not inspired to shop. And it’s not about spending money. I hate buying gifts just to give gifts. I don’t like the trend my family has taken of basically telling each other what to buy. Certain unnamed family members (by marriage) literally provide SKU numbers for the gifts they want. A couple years ago they even bought the gifts and just asked us to give them the cash. That’s when I surrendered to the fact that we have very different ideas of Christmas and I’m not going to let them spoil mine.
Moreover, I just have no desire to add more junk to our overflowing house. I am telling my family to please not buy me gifts, and really, the kids need nothing (read: keep it small, I’m begging you!).
Instead of standing in line for Zhu Zhu Pets or seeking out the best deal, this year I am spending my time purging. I have set the goal to reduce the contents of my house by 25 percent. (Really, it’s that bad.)
I’ve been honest here before that household organization is not my strong point. (Remember my tribute to Organized Audrey?) It was no joke when I said I am serious about it this time. I have spent a lot of time planning what needs to be done, and the bottom line is that there is no way to maintain this house in an orderly manner when it is completely packed with stuff. Really, how can I organize a closet that I can’t even shut?!
I have set a deadline of May 1 to complete this project. Our city-wide garage sale is the following weekend and my neighbors can look forward to a quarter of our possessions piled on the driveway up for grabs.
I’ve already started on the kitchen and the kids toys, and it’s been incredibly refreshing work so far. I’m not brave enough yet to post before and after pictures, but here’s a shot of the recently decluttered toy cabinet. The board games alone were a several-hour project – finding missing pieces and taping up boxes. Not fun work when I was drowning in piles of homeless junk, but worth the effort in the end. Sometimes now I open the cabinet just to look at the perfectly stacked boxes. (Maybe I need to get a life?)
I am quite confident that I purged a quarter of the toys from the main level of our house last weekend – and all of those I removed had not been played with in at least a year! I truly believe I could cut a fourth of our possessions without anyone in my family noticing. But I can guarantee that they will notice the result. I think it's going to be better than Christmas!
I’m simply not inspired to shop. And it’s not about spending money. I hate buying gifts just to give gifts. I don’t like the trend my family has taken of basically telling each other what to buy. Certain unnamed family members (by marriage) literally provide SKU numbers for the gifts they want. A couple years ago they even bought the gifts and just asked us to give them the cash. That’s when I surrendered to the fact that we have very different ideas of Christmas and I’m not going to let them spoil mine.
Moreover, I just have no desire to add more junk to our overflowing house. I am telling my family to please not buy me gifts, and really, the kids need nothing (read: keep it small, I’m begging you!).
Instead of standing in line for Zhu Zhu Pets or seeking out the best deal, this year I am spending my time purging. I have set the goal to reduce the contents of my house by 25 percent. (Really, it’s that bad.)
I’ve been honest here before that household organization is not my strong point. (Remember my tribute to Organized Audrey?) It was no joke when I said I am serious about it this time. I have spent a lot of time planning what needs to be done, and the bottom line is that there is no way to maintain this house in an orderly manner when it is completely packed with stuff. Really, how can I organize a closet that I can’t even shut?!
I have set a deadline of May 1 to complete this project. Our city-wide garage sale is the following weekend and my neighbors can look forward to a quarter of our possessions piled on the driveway up for grabs.

I’ve already started on the kitchen and the kids toys, and it’s been incredibly refreshing work so far. I’m not brave enough yet to post before and after pictures, but here’s a shot of the recently decluttered toy cabinet. The board games alone were a several-hour project – finding missing pieces and taping up boxes. Not fun work when I was drowning in piles of homeless junk, but worth the effort in the end. Sometimes now I open the cabinet just to look at the perfectly stacked boxes. (Maybe I need to get a life?)
I am quite confident that I purged a quarter of the toys from the main level of our house last weekend – and all of those I removed had not been played with in at least a year! I truly believe I could cut a fourth of our possessions without anyone in my family noticing. But I can guarantee that they will notice the result. I think it's going to be better than Christmas!
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