There is something magical about tiny, twinkling bulbs wrapped around winter's naked branches. Especially with the glass walls of downtown as the backdrop. It almost makes it worth it to leave work in the blackness of night. I equally love the giant inflatable snowman the springs from my front lawn each night. My daughter picked it out and my husband put it up as a surprise, which makes it awesome.

I savor every buttery morsal of Christmas that I can get my teeth on. Not a gingerbread, truffle, spritz or peanut blossom is safe around me. I even like the coconut things that everyone else passes over. And they taste even better when dressed in sprinkles by a child. These adorable reindeer were made by my mom and daughter. They tasted just as good as they look.

December is the one time of year that I love going to the mailbox. The kids and I quickly tear through the envelopes to find the prizes inside. We take the time to talk about each person or family we receive cards from - always great conversation. I know Christmas cards aren't doing the environment any good, but I love them anyway. There is something special about having my friends' and family's smiling faces taped on my kitchen door. I usually keep them up through March.

And, of course, if all else fails, its impossible not to love celebrating Christmas with little people who still believe in the big guy in red. Their excitement is beyond contagious. I set them loose to decorate and wrap - who cares if the tree has 90 percent on the ornaments on the front lower half? The joy of the season is completely alive in them and it is wonderful!

For me, this package says it all.
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